Now that he’s a one-year-old kiddo, I thought it was high time that we started visiting our local park to let Luke play. This afternoon’s exploratory trip was mostly a success. Luke loved the park; he quickly warmed up to the baby swing, the slide, and was thrilled to walk around on the platforms and spin the attached toys. I was impressed by the general cleanliness of the equipment, the sturdy, tall-sided basket-swings, and I’m a big fan of the clever double slides that allow Luke and Mommy to safely descend side by side.
I was also struck afresh by what a wonderful location we live in. We arrived at the park after a fifteen-minute walk along quiet roads. On the way we passed an elementary school, which offers another interesting outing – Luke loves to walk by at the end of the school day to see all the kids pass by, the cars going and coming, and the lines of children loading up the big yellow buses. Just past the park is Costco, another fun, frequently-visited destination we visit on foot. What a blessing to be so close!
The unfortunate part of our park outing was that I didn’t realize that the temperatures had lowered and it was quite chilly outside. Luke didn’t seem cold to me while we were out, but looking at the high of 43 for the day and thinking about how long we were out for, I think I should have had more layers on him. Sorry little guy! I’m afraid I inadvertently benefited from how wiped out he was from the cold and play; he took three naps today!
I see many trips to the park, longer naptimes, warmer dressing, sturdier shoe-wearing, and maybe even new park friends in our future!