Wednesday, March 17, 2010

A loveable leprechaun + holiday parade

St. Patrick's Day 3-10 018 Happy St. Patty’s Day everyone! Of course I couldn’t resist the opportunity to dress up the little guy, isn’t he cute with his four-leaf clover? I’ll confess that I just cut out the clover from felt and stuck it on his onesie with double-sided tape. But he still has it on – luck of the Irish I guess!

It’s been so much fun to celebrate holidays with our little heart-melter, and so I decided to compile a festive photo roundup here, starting with Valentine's Day '09. Since he was due on 2-12 and born 2-19, it seemed fitting to note the red and pink season of his birth even though he stayed inside long enough to allow his parents a Valentine’s date night out on the town. Can you make out the little red hearts on his sleeper?


Next we have the babe all dressed-up for church on his first Easter Sunday. He’s laughing at his bunny rabbit from Grandma and Grandpa… or could those giggles be caused by my less-than-perfect rendition of Peter Cottontail??

easterUnfortunately we didn’t get any pics of Luke in red, white and blue on the 4th of July. But I do love the Luke-osaur hunting for toys on his first Halloween!


What a lively little ‘Indian’ all dressed up for Thanksgiving. He was so enthusiastic about the costume that this one came out a little blurry, sorry about that!

thanksUnfortunately I never could find the right first Christmas outfit in Luke’s size, so no Santa-suit shots coming up next. But here is the little guy in a snowflake sweater checking out the texture of our Christmas wreath.


Here’s hoping you enjoyed our little holiday parade and that you had a terrific St. Patrick’s Day. In the Irish spirit (or is this Scottish?) I keep catching myself singing ‘my bonny lies over the ocean….’? Erik’s been at a conference these past few days and Luke and I can’t wait for him to return tonight!

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Spring brings projects & bunnies

Erik and I have enjoyed some mundane yet satisfying projects these past few weekends. Below you’ll see the before and after pictures of our guest room closet after last weekend’s closet campaign. I love the wire shelves and plastic bins we bought at Costco and would highly recommend them to anyone else with spring cleaning fever, but the yellow post-it notes I added as labels weren’t such a good idea. Guess what Luke’s little hands grabbed first when he saw the closet!

After a winter of mangy looking bushes in our backyard, we finally pruned our roses and other shrubs back so they’re all ready for summer blooms. With the mega-thorns that these guys boast, this was definitely an activity for Luke’s naptime! We also recently engaged in a mini round of one of my favorite past times – moving pictures and other items around our house in the continual quest for optimal placement. And we drew up plans for a terrific shoe-storing entry bench that Erik plans to build. We so enjoy little home improvement projects and love that they fit well into naptime time blocks.

In Luke news, he recently treated us to a toddler rite of passage. Erik walked into the bathroom, opened the toilet lid, and found this:

Face down in the toilet was Luke’s sweet bunny basket! Of course he called me in and I instantly realized that earlier that day when I’d followed Luke into the bathroom, the clunk I’d heard wasn’t a failed attempt to open the toilet lid, but the closing of it after a hasty bunny dunk. Would this qualify as a bunny bidet??

I wonder if the Easter bunny will pay a visit to the little guy now…

Thursday, March 4, 2010

From the office to the lair and back again

Luke 2-2010 120 blogNow that Luke can confidently walk around the house on his own, he has claimed a few spaces for himself. He delights in small nooks – partly for the thrill of climbing back into them and partly for the seclusion they provide. In the living room, we’ve named a windowsill behind the entertainment center Luke’s office. He often commutes back there with a toy or other item to bang on the sill and leave for later. On the other side of the room is a bit of empty space in a corner bordered by two bookcases. He loves to climb back there and play peekaboo or hide when we play chase. It’s been dubbed Luke’s lair (see left).

He has also discovered the hideout potential behind doors. This morning when Erik followed the L-man  into our bathroom, he found Luke triumphantly clutching the face soap pump dispenser. Once Luke saw Erik headed his way, he made a beeline to the door and wedged himself behind it, clearly hoping to evade soap confiscation. It’s so fun to see the little guy explore his world and repurpose pieces of it for play!

Luke 2-2010 099 b

Commuting in to the office