I love the springboard of a holiday to make some special family memories. So of course we’re making a weekend of green and shamrock-covered fun! We started last night with a photo session for our sweet little leprechauns. Such funny faces they make!
Since I’m too last-minute to get a physical book on St. Patrick in time, I downloaded this one last night to read with Luke today. I’m hoping to focus on the hero whose love for God and others inspired the holiday, while also including a few green crafts and activities over the weekend.
So today’s agenda includes: green pancakes (check), making & decorating with a rainbow paper chain (up next), planting seeds, and baking some brownies with green sprinkles. I was dazzled by some fancier St. Patty’s crafts and recipes online, but I decided to save those and just choose ones that Luke can ably help with. Tomorrow I’m aiming for a scavenger hunt (Luke and Eleanor love the magic bath sponge capsules from the Target dollar aisle, so those will be the prize) and some sort of traditional St. Patty’s dinner. If things go especially well we might do rainbow paintings and shamrock potato printing. Plus I have a pair of green jeans that I’m looking forward to wearing!
What a loving pair they can be sometimes. More green boa pics here, and happy St. Patrick’s Day to you all!