Luke and Eleanor’s Lake Wentworth enthusiasm is so passionate that I try to keep the trip’s imminence a secret until just before departure, in hopes of minimizing the sleepless nights of anticipation. So a few days before the trip, Luke came out of his room after bedtime moaning, “Our trip to Grandma and Grandpa’s is never going to get here!” When I told him that in fact it was just two days away he beamed and bounded back to bed. I was trying to finish painting the playroom and (foolishly) hoped that the blissful news would send him off to sleep content. But a sudden wail from Eleanor’s room assured me otherwise. Our generous boy couldn’t keep the joyous news to himself and had shared it with his previously-sleeping sister. She bolted up in bed and wanted to be removed from her crib at once for immediate plane boarding!
Needless to say, we didn’t leave for the airport that night, but no happier kiddos could be found on our flights to NH a few days later. Here they are, happily ensconced and preparing a trifle for dessert with Grandma a few hours after arrival.
The fun continued nonstop for the rest of the week. There was always time for a little rough housing with Uncle Travis,
And this year we visited the natural history museum where they learned about animals with Uncle Bryan.
They honed their sand and water construction skills daily with lovely Grandma,
and the magically-stocked toy room never failed to delight.
Walking down to the beach there were lots of stops to look for frogs with Grandpa,
And finding some!
A lake trip is never complete without a voyage on Grandpa’s boat and this year Luke was talking about learning to sail himself!
We all came home happy and full with love, care, and fun times from the Nielsen clan. Thank you so much Grandma and Grandpa for another wonderful visit!!
{Many, many more pics and videos here.}