Sunday, May 16, 2010

Before & after: Our living space

When Erik and I unpacked our boxes just over a year and a half ago, we were eager to embark on our first home improvement venture. Our home’s open floor plan suited us well, so there was no need to move walls or do any other major construction. But we did replace flooring, fixtures, hardware, and appliances. We painted walls and cabinets and did a few repairs. We shuffled furniture within our house and added a few decorative items. A heartfelt thanks goes to our families who generously spent countless hours of their Albuquerque ‘vacations’ helping us with projects. Hopefully you can tell which photo is before and which is after in the pairs below!

ourNewHome 006 Home Projects 2010 130 HDR


ourNewHome 003  Home Projects HDR2


ourNewHome 002  Home Projects 2010 135psp


ourNewHome 005 Home Projects 2010 156 PSP

And here’s a pic from our initial house-hunting trip, and another after shot:

hh 022 Home Projects 2010 163 PSP 

Now we’ve reached a bit of a stopping point since these main areas are mostly in order. However, as Erik has slowly learned, my remodeling visions are never completely realized, and so a few more changes to the entryway, our bedroom, and the guest room are on the horizon. We’ll keep you posted!


  1. Beautiful!! It looks like the before and after pictures were all taken at about the same time of day, but the after shots are still so much brighter -- it's amazing how all of your renovations have made your home feel so much lighter and airier!

    I think most of the changes were made after we visited you last year. Which, of course, means that you're due another visit. :)

  2. We like the sound of that! We'd love to have you guys come back anytime -- there are all sorts of fun baby activities we could do with our twosome now. We recently made plans to travel back east for Stephen Lu's wedding in August and hope to pop into Pton beforehand if we can. Hopefully we'll see you then too!

  3. I've been feeling totally guilty that you guys have to host dinner this week when it absolutely should be our turn. But now I realize you just want to have us admire your beautiful new house again!
