This weekend we enjoyed two dinners with friends, hosted a game night, hiked to Travertine Falls, attended Luke’s first soccer class, enjoyed an egg hunt + lunch held by Luke’s playgroup, did an Easter photo shoot at the botanic gardens, and of course went to church and Sunday School! Whew! So many fun family memories, and today’s lazy Monday schedule is the perfect way to finish it off. Erik is even taking a few hours of personal time that he still has available from Eleanor’s birth. Now that the kiddos are napping, here’s a little photo round-up.
Friday morning there was Luke’s first ‘Lil Kickers’ soccer class. Eleanor and I cheered from the sidelines. The universal toddler challenge faced by the instructor is to hold a child’s attention when there are so many interesting kiddos to watch!
Then Pre-Easter began with an afternoon photo shoot at the botanic gardens. Do you notice a trend in our sibling photos? Luke isn’t the most willing when it comes to baby holding. Eleanor already has him a little intimidated, I think!
Most Fridays, we call our neighbors once our kids are in bed. Then they grab their Dominion game and walk over to play it with us. What an ideal arrangement for housebound parents! This week they brought another couple as well.
Saturday morning, Luke hunted for Easter eggs for the first time with other kiddos. In typical first hunt fashion, he was frightened by the costumed bunny and wanted to open each egg (and eat its contents) as he found it. I realize that my egg hunt coaching may be in conflict with other instruction he receives from me. Compare: “just put it in your basket, Luke, and keep looking for more eggs!” and “you need to finish what’s on your plate before you get any more!” I can see why he was a little confused. I’m having another egg hunt here when our playgroup comes over on Thursday, so we’ll see if he seems to have caught on by then.
Luke playing with his friend M before Saturday dinner at our house. M’s parents brought a delicious Korean meal, amazingly homemade!
Sunday, we took an afternoon hike with friends to Travertine Falls (info here). We were quite the convoy, with four adults, five children, and only one of those children walked! Once all the pack mules had made it to the destination, the kiddos had a fabulous time playing in the mud, splashing in trickling water, and even swinging on a rope. Then we had dinner at a tasty pizza place. Of course we came home with plenty of photos, because no matter how many children there are to tote, Erik never leaves the camera behind! Here are L & E in their matching Street wear.
Oh, and a couple different landscaping guys came out to assess our grass. Our homeowners’ association has already sent us our first violation letter of the season, so we’re trying to revive the very sparse lawn in our front yard. Who knew growing grass could be so difficult?? Even our new ‘sugar tyme’ crabapple tree can’t counteract the stragglyness it seems.
The kiddos are awaking and I think we’re headed out for a relaxing walk to the playground. I hope you all had a lovely weekend too!
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