April and May were the milestone months of finding our new house, buying it, and moving in. But before diving into moving pics or our mega-gallery of Easter photos, here’s a 1 to 10 round-up of the little landmarks for our junior movers.
First love: Eleanor’s ‘baby’ gets a smooch. Our girlie’s love for dirt and trucks doesn’t dampen her faithful affection for her baby.
Second bite! I almost cried when I saw the nasty bite Luke’s tummy suffered in Sunday School one morning. Ouch!
Third load for the heavy machinery: Luke and Eleanor help us spruce up the yard before putting our house on the market.
Fourth annual spring snowball show: We all love the profusion of white blooms on the snowball verbena bush at our old house.
Fifth lap around the yard: Eleanor takes her first spin on the balance bike.
Sixth catch in under an hour: despite my abhorrence for the bug kingdom, Luke doesn’t hesitate to grab them by the legs and drop them in his bug house. He’s sure to add plenty of dead leaves to keep them well fed.
Seventh… heaven? Playtime in the mountain-view truckyard at our new house.
Eight: The number of ‘eyes’ in the tub with two new pairs of goggles.
Nine: The number of minutes before Luke started crying when we took our first dip in the pool. (I think it was due to a combination of chilly water and Daddy’s swimming enthusiasm.)
Ten: The score we give our two olympic pool step splashers.
Thanks for backtracking to April and May with us! More pics in our galleries here and here.
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