Even though we had an early celebration with my parents and brothers in NC, we couldn’t skip an actual birthday date celebration back home in NM. This time, Daddy made the cake with Luke and Eleanor. Or as Luke likes to say when we cook together, “You be the cook and I’m the chef!”
Then there was some decorating, and balloon sillyness of course.
Two balloons for our two-year-old girlie-pie!
Even though it was just a party for our little family, I hung up my Target-clearanced Chinese lanterns, in perfect cheery Ellabelle colors!
You can see that I need to work with Eleanor on her blowing technique. Eventually the candles were extinguished, perhaps with a little breeze from Luke’s direction...
Next up was present time. And what a well-loved girlie she is with gifts from near and far.
She was launched on a princess kick by the darling castle from Grandma and Grandpa. It’s so sweet to watch her carefully set the princess in her bed and then bring her down to eat at the table.
And she loved her new bike from Nika and Papi with custom streamers from Auntie C!
Now she and Luke aren’t taking turns on his balance bike and her biking motivation has skyrocketed. Erik has slowly raised the seat over the past few weeks as Eleanor’s started to glide a bit. Here they are, the matching Strider-riders.
We love you Ella-belle! Now there’s just one more mini-party to go, a Valentine’s themed Ella fete with two sweet little friends this Friday. I’m squeezing that in just before Luke’s big day, turning FOUR next Tuesday!
I love your updates and pictures! Your love for your kids along with creativity is always inspiring.